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Return Policy

How to return a product purchased from 747 Auto Parts:

How to return a product purchased from 747 Auto Parts
If you want to return Items then please Click here
If you want to Return order status then please Click here

Core Returns

All Cores must be returned in the original box with your original receipt and be in rebuild-able condition to receive your core refund.


747 AUTO PARTS is an auto parts company. We are well known for our quality auto parts and tires. Our part specialist staff are well trained and experienced with over 30 years in auto parts industry. We know how valuable your time is to you, and we strive to make your experience at 747 Auto Parts as quick and seamless as it can be. We are happy and proud to provide a few services for free to our customer satisfaction, that includes

• Electrical Testing

• Viper Installation

• Battery Testing

* (Some conditions may be applied)

We make sure nobody beats our price in the market. Price Match is guaranteed for our customers.

• Product Lines

• Batteries

• Bearings and Seals

• Belts and Hoses

• Body Repair Parts

• Car Cleaning Accessories

• Engine Parts

• Filters

• Fuel Systems

• Heating and Cooling

• Motor Oil

• Steering

• Tires

• Tools and Equipments

• Wiper Blades

• Wire Lightning And much more...