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For more information on 747 Auto Parts' privacy practices and policies, please see the company's Privacy Statement.


At the time you place your order, our system will validate the credit card information you provided and verify that funds are available in your account. If the information you provided during checkout fails to coincide with the information on file for the credit card you used, our security system will deny your order. If the information you provided is accurate, your credit card will be charged for the full amount of your order on the day that your order is shipped.

Shipping and Delivery

All delivery dates provided by 747 Auto Parts are based upon the package size and weight of the order and are estimates only. 747 Auto Parts cannot guarantee the speed or accuracy of delivery dates provided by any of its commonly used shipping partners. 747 Auto Parts is also not responsible for the security of deliveries that are missing or stolen from the delivery location.

Deliveries become the sole responsibility of the customer once the order has reached the address indicated in the tracking information. 747 Auto Parts does not guarantee that your order will be replaced or refunded in the event of a lost or stolen package.


747 Auto Parts does not provide a price match or low price guarantee when you purchase from our online store. Because actual pricing and sales tax costs vary from location to location, 747 Auto Parts also does not guarantee the actual pricing for products sold at any of our stores. Your final total for purchases that you make online, or at any of our retail locations, may not reflect the same dollar amount that you would pay at another one of our stores.

Clearance and Promotional Items

Clearance prices are only good while supplies last and are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. 747 Auto Parts does not offer back orders or rain checks on clearance items. Our stores are not able to order, restock, or transfer in any clearance items, and 747 Auto Parts does not substitute any other items for a clearance-priced item. Other sales, discounts, or promotional codes will not be applied to clearance pricing, and 747 Auto Parts does not offer large quantity discounts. Clearance items are not eligible for or count toward, any shipping promotions or discounts, even when combined with other items in your order. 747 Auto Parts does not ship any clearance item, part, or product to another store.

All sales for clearance items are final, and clearance items are sold "as is." Clearance items cannot be returned or refunded. 747 Auto Parts does not guarantee that the number of clearance items you order will be shipped. All quantities shown for clearance items are estimates, and if 747 Auto Parts does not have the quantities you request when your order is processed, you will receive the quantities available to ship.

Privacy Policy

747 Auto Parts and its affiliates and related entities (collectively referred to as "747 Auto Parts") value and respect the privacy of all customers and other visitors to our stores, warehouses, and distribution centers, as well as our website and other online platforms. This Privacy Policy describes how our company collects, uses, shares, and protects information from, and about, our customers and other visitors. This document discusses the choices you have about the use of the information you share with us, along with other important privacy disclosures, such as how 747 Auto Parts may update the Privacy Policy and how you can contact us with any questions, concerns, and comments regarding this document and our privacy practices.

This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the privacy practices of 747 Auto Parts and applies to the website owned or operated by 747 Auto Parts, as well as the information we collect from 747 Auto Parts stores and sales events. Also, the 747 Auto Parts' aforementioned website may have privacy policies unique to them. If one of our affiliates' website contains its privacy policy, that policy should be followed before adhering to this Privacy Policy. This Privacy Policy describes the types of information we collect for business purposes, discusses how we collect, use, and share information to meet our customers' needs, and explains your rights and responsibilities related to the security of your personal information.

This document will be available to read and download in the footer section of the website. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our company's privacy practices, please contact us using the information provided at the end of this document.

Where 747 Auto Parts Gets Personal Information

747 Auto Parts may collect information from one or more of the following sources:

You may share information with us in a form or online field when you create accounts on our website, when you visit one of our stores, or when you sign up for one of our email lists to receive updates on our products and services. Your browser may also record pieces of information when you visit one of our website. We may receive information from other sources, as well, to help us personalize your shopping experience and protect you, and our company, from fraudulent activities. We strive to collect only the information necessary to support our business and provide you with unmatched automotive products and services. Subsequent sections of this Privacy Policy will provide more detail about each of the ways you may provide information to us.


Information You Provide

We may collect information from you in the following ways:

Payment information from credit, debit, and gift cards, as well as personal and business checks, such as your name, address, and bank account number, for processing payments

Usernames, passwords, and contact information from 747 Auto Parts online accounts Quote requests

Warranty purchases Product returns and rebates

If you are a retail customer, we do not store your credit card number. We use this information only to process individual transactions. If you are a professional customer, we store a token that allows us to process multiple transactions.

Personal and Business Checks

When you pay with a personal or business check at one of our retail locations, we will check your name, address, and other personally identifiable information, and then confirm that these details match your ID, such as a driver's license or permit. Your driver's license or permit number will be recorded on your personal and business check for verification and security purposes.

Commercial Credit Account Applications

When you fill out an application for a Commercial Credit Account, we will ask for some personally identifiable information to process your application. We may request your name, address, phone number, and the length of time you have lived at your current residence. We may also ask for your social security number for verification purposes, but disclosing this information is optional. If provided, your social security number will be secured in our electronic system. Your credit history will be validated using third-party software. A determination of credit will be made by our internal Credit Department once your application has been processed. We have no liability or responsibility for the security of information processed using third-party software.

Information Received Through Technology

You may also provide information to us through your electronic devices. 747 Auto Parts uses technology to provide online customer support and data to improve or customize your shopping experience. These technologies help us track and analyze shopping trends, administer and update our website, and review user activity to improve our performance. This information helps us understand your needs and suggest products and services relevant to you.

Log Files

747 Auto Parts gathers certain online and device information automatically and stores it in log files. This information may include your IP address, browser type, Internet service provider, and operating system, as well as landing and exit pages, date and time stamps, and clickstream data.


747 Auto Parts uses cookies to track your shopping cart, remember your user settings, develop targeted marketing messages, and authenticate your account when you sign in. Cookies accomplish this by retaining your information from previous website visits and suggesting products and services as you browse and return to our website. You can control or disable the use of cookies within your browser. You can still use our website if you disable cookies, but you may lose some features, or some sections of our website may have limited functionality.

Web Beacons

Web beacons let us know if you visited a certain page on a website, opened a marketing email, or clicked on an advertisement. Tracking this information helps us understand which content is personally engaging and most relevant to you.

Geographic Location

By mapping your GPS location on your mobile device, we can help you find the nearest 747 Auto Parts store or distribution center and send this information directly to your phone or tablet

"Do Not Track" Feature

Some browsers have a Do Not Track feature that prevents your activities from being recorded. 747 Auto Parts' website are not designed to respond to Do Not Track requests from browsers.

Information Received From Third-Party Sources

We may receive information about you from third-party sources to help us correct or enhance our records and protect our business. We may inquire into your background if there is a potential financial risk for 747 Auto Parts. For example, when you apply for a Commercial Credit Account at one of our stores, we may collect personal information and perform a credit history check using third-party software to decide on the issuance of credit. Any information we receive in this manner will be kept confidential and only used for the previously stated legitimate business purposes.

We may also use third-party web analytics services-like Google Analytics-in our online services. These service providers help us analyze how users navigate our online services. Information collected as a part of Google Analytics is automatically sent to Google, and Google may use cookies to help with the analysis. Google Analytics may provide demographic, interest-related, geographical and referral information that 747 Auto Parts may use to better understand our customer base. Session User ID tracking and stitching may also be used to further understand how our users access our website from different devices. To learn more about Google Analytics or download an opt-out browser add-on, please click here.

How 747 Auto Parts Uses Information

Your information helps us personalize products and services to meet your needs. We only use your personal information to support and further 747 Auto Parts' business functions, such as filling your orders, preventing fraud, creating targeted marketing efforts, and complying with legal requirements.

747 Auto Parts uses information in the following ways:

• Fulfilling and communicating with you about your orders or requests

• Processing refunds, returns, and exchanges

• Registering and servicing accounts

• Administering contests, sweepstakes, promotions, and surveys

• Personalizing our service offerings, website, and advertisements

• Improving your experience in our stores and on our website

How 747 Auto Parts Shares Information

747 Auto Parts will never sell, rent, trade, or collect payment for sharing your personal information with third-parties. We primarily share your information with third parties to perform the following services on your behalf:

Fulfilling your orders and mailing packages to your location

Sending marketing communications and promotions relevant to you Conducting research and analysis to improve our services and products Performing background checks for Commercial Credit Account applications

We will share your personal information if we are required to do so by law or judicial or administrative order. We may also share information with appropriate authorities if we deem it necessary to protect 747 Auto Parts employees, customers, stakeholders, and other related parties, or if we become aware of a violation of law. If 747 Auto Parts acquires or merges with another company, we may share information as necessary to facilitate this process. We will update this Privacy Policy to advise customers of any acquisition or merger that influences or changes this policy. Your information may also be shared among 747 Auto Parts' affiliates for business purposes.

Your Privacy Preferences

You may at any time change one or more of the following privacy preferences: Update your personal information

Subscribe or unsubscribe from marketing and promotional emails/text messages Deactivate your account

Request removal of your information from our digital properties (If we are unable to fulfill this request, we will notify you as soon as possible)

To ensure that we have the most recent information available, we recommend that you update your digital profiles with 747 Auto Parts whenever your information changes. You can keep your information current by taking the following actions:

Follow instructions included in 747 Auto Parts emails, marketing blasts, and text messages

Sign in or register for an online account and make sure we have the most recent contact information on file for you

Contact us directly by phone or email and provide your most recent mailing address, phone number, and email address

We can help you keep your information safe on 747 Auto Parts' website, but we cannot guarantee complete removal of your content and personal information from the Internet.

How 747 Auto Parts Keeps Your Personal Information Secure

Whether you are shopping using our website, mobile services, or physical stores, our associates utilize security measures to prevent unauthorized access to your personal information. These measures may include security access controls, information security technologies and policies, information disposal procedures, and participation in security training programs.

The following are examples of security measures we use to protect your personal information:

Passwords to control access to your online account and help protect your information (Please keep all of your online passwords confidential) Encryption technology to help protect your payment information during transport across the Internet (Look for 'https' or the image of a closed lock or solid key in the URL field of your browser window)

Monitoring policies and security systems to prevent unauthorized access to locations where confidential information might be stored Unfortunately, even the best security measures cannot protect information from all unauthorized access. While we take the security of your personal information very seriously and have safeguards in place to protect it, 747 Auto Parts cannot be responsible for any damages you incur which are associated with sharing personally identifiable information with 747 Auto Parts.

Social Media Links and Widgets

747 Auto Parts' website may provide links and widgets to interact with Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites. These features may collect your IP address or set cookies in your browser to allow certain features to function properly. They may also be hosted by a third-party or directly on our website. If you choose to post to social media or widgets through our website, your activities may be under the jurisdiction of the respective social media sites you use and subject to their respective privacy and security policies. 747 Auto Parts cannot guarantee the security of information shared through social media links and widgets. Please review the following paragraph for further information about the use of third-party links.

Third-Party Links

In addition to social media links and widgets, you may also find links to website of 747 Auto Parts' partners, vendors, or advertisers. We do not endorse or have control over the security of third- party website. When you follow a link to a third-party website and access external content, you agree to the respective privacy and security policies of the website you visit. 747 Auto Parts cannot be responsible for how other companies handle personal information. We recommend you review the privacy policies of each website you visit and stay informed of how your personal information is treated and used online.

Protecting Children's Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or distribute personal information of individuals under the age of 13. If you believe your child has provided personal information to us in contravention of this policy, please contact us at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy, and we will cooperate with you to remove the information from our system.

Data Retention

747 Auto Parts will retain your information to provide you with the best products and services. We may also retain and use your information to fulfill legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements. If you would like to cancel your account or request that we no longer use your information to provide you with products and services, please contact us as soon as possible at the address provided at the end of this Privacy Policy.

Audio and Video Monitoring

747 Auto Parts reserves the right to install and monitor security devices in any of our physical stores, distribution centers, corporate offices, and other locations, for the safety of our business, employees, and customers. We also reserve the right to record and monitor phone calls to improve our customer service and security policies, and to train new employees.

Privacy Policy Updates

747 Auto Parts may update this Privacy Policy at any time, at our sole discretion. You should check this Privacy Policy periodically for relevant updates. We may post a notice on our website before these changes taking effect, but you will always find the dates of publication and revision posted as part of this Privacy Policy. You should be mindful of any updates or modifications to this Privacy Policy and learn more about how these changes may affect the use of your personally identifiable information as a result.

747 Auto Parts considers its reputation for integrity and fairness to be one of its most valuable assets. 747 Auto Parts seeks to outperform its competition fairly and honestly and never through unethical or illegal business practices. 747 Auto Parts expects its team members and supply chain vendors to comply in all respects with applicable laws and regulations in each governing jurisdiction that it does business. Supply chain vendors execute Master Supplier Agreements ('Agreements') with 747 Auto Parts in which they take the following actions:

Warrant 747 Auto Parts' products do not violate any laws, ordinances, statutes, rules, or regulations, which include compliance with laws respecting the eradication of slavery and human trafficking

Acknowledge that slavery and human trafficking is not involved in the manufacture or sale of 747 Auto Parts' products

Acknowledge that 747 Auto Parts supports the eradication of slavery and human trafficking from supply chains and seeks to partner with supplier partners who share the same policies and practices

These Agreements create an affirmative obligation on the part of 747 Auto Parts' supply chain vendors to promptly provide notice of violation of any such laws, ordinances, statutes, rules, or regulations. The Agreements also require 747 Auto Parts' supply chain vendors to be accountable for any violations of law by providing the company indemnification for violations relating to its products. Agreements and certifications are updated periodically.